Zirje, Slovenia - 408m ASL 45°42'29" N / 13°55'19" E |
Current observations:
Graphs for the last 7 days:
Graphs for the last month:
Lightning, radar And IR satellite Images: Weather Forecast for the next 48 hours: |
Temperature |
16.2 °C |
Relative Humidity |
93 % |
Dewpoint | 15.1 °C | |
Wind Speed |
30.6 km/hr from
S |
Sea Level Pressure |
1006.5 hPa &
Falling Rapidly |
Rainfall Today |
9.4 mm |
Rainfall Intensity |
1.3 mm/hr |
Total Rainfall (last event) |
9.4 mm |
Solar Radiation |
0 W/m2 | |
UV Index | 0.0 | |
Windchill |
13.3 °C |
Heat Index |
16.6 °C
Today's Lows & Highs | ||
Max Temperature Min Temperature | 17.8 °C at
13:13 14.0 °C at 5:38 |
Max Relative Humidity Min |
94 % at 2:35 82 % at 0:24 |
Max Dewpoint Min Dewpoint |
15.6 °C at 13:10 12.8 °C at 0:22 |
Max Wind Gust |
51.5 km/hr at 14:32 |
Max Pressure Min Pressure |
1016.6 hPa at 0:21 1006.0 hPa at 19:02 |
Rainfall |
6.9 mm/hr at 17:35 |
Solar |
863 W/m2 at 13:09 |
Daily |
0.89 mm |
Min |
11.1 °C at 3:46 |
Max UV Index |
2.5 at 13:09 | |
Max THSW Index |
18.9 °C |
Max |
18.3 °C |
Monthly Lows & Highs | ||
Max Min | 17.8 °C
6.3 °C |
Max Min | 96 %
57 % |
Max Min | 15.6 °C
5.6 °C |
Max Min | 1019.2 hPa
1000.4 hPa |
Max | 88.5 km/hr |
Min | 2.8 °C |
Max | 967 W/m2 |
Monthly Rainfall |
130.6 mm |
Max | 31.2 mm/hr |
Evapotranspiration | 11.05 mm |
Max UV Index | 2.5 |
Max THSW Index | 23.9 °C |
Yearly Lows & Highs | ||
Max Min | 36.3 °C
-5.0 °C |
Max Min | 98 %
21 % |
Max Min | 23.3 °C
-12.2 °C |
Max Min | 1037.9 hPa
989.0 hPa |
Max | 91.7 km/hr |
Min | -11.7 °C |
Max | 1315 W/m2 |
Yearly Rainfall |
1368.3 mm |
Max | 1329.9 mm/hr |
Evapotranspiration | 924.18 mm |
Max UV Index | 7.1 |
Max Heat index | 40.0 °C |
Max THSW index | 46.1 °C |